Thursday, May 04, 2006

100 Things (Well, actually 50... which I guess makes this Part 1 of 2)

1) I actually liked the movie Titanic.
2) I own over 200 rolls of scotch tape.
3) If you wake me up in the middle of the night, there’s an 8/10 chance that I’ll never get back to sleep.
4) I am obsessed with the atlas of my spine.
5) I thought I was beyond guilty pleasure until Jason got me into The Real Housewives of Orange County.
6) Back in grammar school, I only listened to classical music and 50s Motown.
7) I also used to spend hours trying to memorize the World Book encyclopedia, but in the end, gave up and drew mustaches on Todor Zhivkov and all the other communist dictators.
8) I believe tetris is probably a metaphor for everything else in life.
9) It can take me up to two hours to completely unpack
10) If I go more than three days without a salad, I take it out on the world.
11) I am automatically drawn to people whose names are toward the beginning and end of the alphabet.
12) “Tortoise” is my new favorite world.
13) I also like the words “pneumatic” and “rhododendron”.
14) I’ve been ending most of my sentences lately with “man” or “dude” due to feelings of homosexual inadequacy.
15) It’s nearly impossible for me to leave home without spending money.
16) I’ve been smoking Marlboro Lights since I was 16.
17) I’ve been trying to quit smoking since I was 18.
18) My ideal meal would start off with a spinach salad with pears, pine nuts, strawberries, kiwi and raspberry/poppy seed dressing.
19) The main course would be grilled unagi over basmati rice, garlic shrimp skewers and baba ghanoush.
20) And for desert, lemon gelato over a cranberry walnut tart.
21) This is possibly the gayest meal ever.
22) My cat of thirteen years died last week.
23) I own the new Lindsay Lohan album.
24) I used to be so ashamed of my Filpino heritage that I actually tried to pass myself off as Navajo Indian until I met someone in 5th grade who was doing the opposite.
25) When I was four, my parents would take me to Kareoke bars where I’d perform renditions of Willie Nelson and Dolly Parton tunes in a brown apron and cowboy hat.
26) The last movie I saw was Hard Candy last Friday, which I would probably rate a B or B+.
27) I prefer straight porn.
28) I dyed my hair black last night after nine months of red.
29) I am currently trying to get over my vocal crack after years and years of not performing.
30) No matter what I start, in the very beginning I’m plagued with reservations about it, or at least my ability to do it well.
31) I have written 5 full length plays. ( Subterraneously Here, Aquaculture, Hands On Her Spine, The Animal Cracker Box, Here Come the Alligators)
32) I am embarrassed about the fact that over half of those titles have references to animals in them.
33) I was mugged last March on Lakeshore Drive.
34) I’ve easily seen the movie Beetlejuice over 100 times.
35) I am afraid of gay bars.
36) I’m almost positive I have hyperhidrosis.
37) I have frequent cravings for Haagen Daaz pistachio ice cream.
38) I overuse commas and parentheses.
39) I’ve been “blocked” for over a year, which is to say that I have too many ideas and not enough focus.
40) I have no idea where I want to live anymore.
41) In spite of everything, I’m fairly sure that some form of God exists.
42) I’m just not so sure where I stand with Him, Her, It... whatever...
43) I start kickboxing classes next Tuesday.
44) I have horrible posture at the computer.
45) Spring is my favorite season, probably because it’s the shortest.
46) My current dream is to have enough money to buy organic.
47) I spent all of last April ignoring politics, which I am only partially ashamed of.
48) I still haven’t received my tax returns.
49) I have no idea what the next few months will bring.
50) My parents had originally planned on naming me Henry.