Friday, March 23, 2007

Dolores Park, San Francisco, 3.23.07

Today was the kind of day that exists for the sole purpose of changing everything. Words only indulge approximations, plagiarizing the experience, threatening to abduct its residence. Tonight, I am an unsentimental believer. I am resucitated. I am in unanimty. I am at home.

Friday, March 02, 2007

This is the trailer for the Showtime transfer of NPR's incomporably brilliant radio program "This American Life". The thought struck me originally as completely impossible and atrocious. But watching this clip has converted me into a believer that this could possibly turn out to be, like, the best thing ever.

And it's THAT GIRL FROM THE WEINER CIRCLE!!!! (Anyone from Chicago will know what I'm talking about.)


EDIT: Sorry that I haven't actually posted substantial update these days. Things in my life have been all-consuming and in various states of metamorphasis. Trust me. Wait for a later date. There will be plenty to tell.