Thursday, October 26, 2006

Jatasya hi dhruvo mrityur
Dhruvam janma mrtasya ca

1) The Call of Jury
The last two weeks have been spent beneath the florescent lights of the King County Courtroom. As is the nature of such democratic rites of passage, I'm not allowed to speak on the nature of the trial until it's over. The deliberation looks like it'll be slated for Wednesday of next week. Transportation/time sacrifices aside, it's a relatively simple commitment and if nothing else, an experience I can add to the long list of I Survived It. All right, maybe that's a bit cynical. But truth be told, I have no idea what I'm actually going to get out of the experience once it's through. I'm imagining one of those long, soul-searching coffeehouse conversations where we weigh the pros and cons of the legal system and conclude that justice is the Mother of Suspicion. Or a Pink Ostrich.

2) Halloween
I'm going as Waldo. Trying desperately not to be mistaken for Rivers Cuomo.

3) The Autumn of Our Disposition
The leaves are crimson now. I am an animal of deficiency. I need food. I need music. I need literature. I need Yerba Mate. I need casual sex. I need new socks.

4) It's 7:37 AM and I'm so feeling the quantum slip.

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