Monday, January 30, 2006

KAPUT Enterprises/Mission Statement and Proposition

KAPUT! [URGENT. UNCOMPROMISING. UP INTO THE BEAT.] is a Chicago-based production company dedicated to the industrial accommodation and collaboration of working artists. Through conglomerating the work of passionate creative professionals with competent management and public relations resources, KAPUT! thrusts original work out of the fringes and into the urban consciousness without censorship or compromise of vision.

Our belief is that the role of art is not sensationalize or dissimulate, but empower the role of both artist and spectator as free and active citizens. As it becomes increasingly popular for art to be synonymous with leisure, we reject the idea of it as an elitist diversion. We believe it should instead be presented in a venue with open invitation where people arrive (or at the very least, depart) perceptually engaged with the world they live in.

In its inceptive stages, KAPUT! will be sponsor theme-oriented events open to every medium. (I.E., live bands may share their billing with short films, fashion shows set to amateur disc jockey competitions, a 24-hour festival of three six-minute plays, etc.) The purpose of such events are to:

A) Launch KAPUT! as an organization with an active community presence.
B) Create a dynamic social climate for people and different artistic mediums to share the same space.
C) Help to establish a multi-disciplinary arts facility with administrative offices, a recording studio, two multipurpose exhibition halls and a regularly operating bar/café. (Developed after CONSOLIDATED WORKS of Seattle.)

If successful, KAPUT! will reinforce the indivisibility of art from our contemporary lives. It will also, once and for all, help dispel the so-called advantages of being a “working artist in solitude.”



Adam Kavanaugh - (773) 294-3023 -

Isabel Pagonis - (314) 813-2909 -

Trystan Phillip Toole - (773) 726-3003 -

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