Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Top Ten/Twelve of 2005

I'm sure a diehard culture vulture would explain to you why these selections make the best albums/films to come out of a monumentally shitty year. But in the spirit of bridges burning, I say, let's just torch the fucking thing down and just trust Uncle Trystan on his decisions.

If I had seen MATCH POINT last year, I probably would have given it a slot at number #3. It's just such a shame Jonathan Rhys Meyers can't act. I mean, the man is stunning looking. In a completely asexual, Oscar-Wilde-said: "God-send-me-an-angel" sort of way.

Anyway, I totally ate this shit up. I won't lie, I had my doubts. But take my word for it, it's worth getting over Scarlett Johansson's nasal drone and the unfortunate fact that the movie is a tennis reference. It's as taut and sublimely stylized as anything that ever came out of Hitchcock, surpringly well-focused, full of subversive humor and the kind of film that will probably have me coming back for more.

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