Friday, April 14, 2006

The previous two weeks have been something kind of miraculous. Aside from all the things going on that need my attention, I've been procrastinating hardcore. Here's a list of a few I've seen in the last couple of weeks that I might given mini-reviews of later, but for now you're just going to have to deal with the letter grades.

The Devil & Daniel Johnston A
Thank You For Smoking B+
Inside Man C+
King Kong B
Videodrome D+
A History of Violence C
Tsosti A-
V for Vendetta B+
Wild at Heart D

1 comment:

E said...

King Kong was one of the greatest movies of all time simply because it had a scene in which a giant gorrilla fought three tyrannasaurus rexes (tyrannasauri rex?) to the death. I paid to see that (otherwise kinda crappy) movie on the promise in the trailer of hot Gorilla-on-T-Rex action. When, to my delight, it turned out to be not just one-Gorilla vs. one-T-Rex or a Gorilla/T-Rex threesome but a full fledged Simian/saurus clusterfuck of such epic proportions I nearly ran to the box office to offer them more money for my ticket.