Sunday, April 02, 2006

So tonight I went to ACT production of this play. A quarter of the audience walked out during intermission. I thought it was one of the most macabre, visceral, hysterical pieces of theatre I've ever seen. It was... well, how I describe it? Think Cronenberg meets Kafka meets Maurice Sendak if they were interpreting Cain and Abel set in a totalitarian prison. Throw in some car battery torture, implied dismemberment and a glowing green girl (no, I'm not joking) and you get appoximately a tenth of what this play is supposed to be. In other words, it reminded me of why I try writing theatre in the first place. Anyway, I don't think I can write anymore about it without absent-mindedly giving certain things away. Sati found it claustrophobic and mentally distressing to which I replied, "Well, yeah. But what about the GLOWING GREEN GIRL?" I've determined to drag someone else to see it with me again before its April 16th closing. The big question is, who will be my next victim? Come on, you know you want to.

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